So, here it is, the blog post I have been desperate to be able to write and after 13 long months of very little sleep, I am at the point where I can actually say, he is sleeping through the night! It has been a long time coming and it’s certainly not that we haven’t tried in the past, it’s just, well, life gets in the way, doesn’t it? From attachment issues to teething, then illnesses and growth spurts, not having the energy
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Sleep Deprivation Is A Bitch!
You may have noticed that I have moaned about being tired quite a lot in the last year, yeah? Well, that’s what a new baby tends to do to you, but what happens when this continues?… Basically, you turn into a moody cow, amongst other things, because sleep deprivation is a bitch!
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The Importance of Sleep for Children… and You!!
**Collaborative Post
As a parent, I reckon that around 95% of my conversations revolve around sleep (or lack of!) It’s funny, isn’t it? As soon as a baby is born we turn the parents and one of the first things we ask them is how are they sleeping? We continually look for solutions to supposed ‘sleep issues’, we heavily discuss it amongst our new Mum friends and spend hours working out which sleep tactics are the best. And so begins the never-ending cycle of talking about sleep…
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Sleep Sanctuary: Turn Your Bedroom into a Parent’s Paradise
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A child-free bedroom is something of a dream for many parents. From co-sleeping to your toddler crawling into your bed in the middle of the night, it’s hard to keep them out. But parents should still be able to get some time to themselves, and your bedroom can be a sanctuary where you get to relax and have some peace – at least, some of the time. If you want your bedroom to be somewhere you can feel is mostly yours, if not entirely your own, a redesign could be what you need. While baby things have their place, moving most things to another room could be the best idea.
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Why I Was Wrong About Co-Sleeping
Before you become a parent you know it all, don’t you? I mean, how many times did you look at a parent and think my kid wouldn’t be stropping in the street like that, my kid will eat all their dinner, no fuss from my amazing imaginary children! My baby will be in a great routine from early on, oh and they will never, ever sleep in the bed with me. Yeah, this was me all over and I’m here to admit it because at the end of the day I had no clue, not one at all. I assumed far too much, I had never experienced the type of sleep deprivation that comes with children (only from drunken nights out!). I had never had a tiny person rely on me 24/7 and I never had to question every decision I made throughout the day– over and over and over again.
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21 Signs That You’re A Sleep Deprived Parent
I thought my first child was a sleep thief but the latest addition to our family really, really doesn’t want me to close my eyes at night! Sleep deprivation has suddenly taken on a whole new meaning and I’m living life through blurry-visioned eyes each day. We’ve all done and said daft things when we are tired beyond words and here are a few of the classic signs that you’re a sleep deprived parent!
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Pets — should they be in your bedrooms or not?
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Do you have a cat or a dog? Do you let your dog or cat sleep in your bedroom or on your bed? You are certainly not alone, as a survey commissioned by leading pet insurer Animal Friends found that nearly half of owners sleep with their pets. My dog has always slept in, or next to my bed and she is now 15 years old. I personally have no issue with sharing a bedroom with a pet because I view them as part of the family.
So, do you think it is good idea to welcome your pet into your bedroom? Fitted bedroom specialists DM Design has analysed the arguments both for and against this decision:
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