a pond made out of a planter surrounded by a rockery

How To Make a Pond Out of a Planter

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I had always wanted to have a pond in my garden but with it being very small plus with having pets and children I just felt as though it was something I couldn’t ever do whilst we were living in our current home. But then I saw a large planter for sale for just £10 on Facebook Marketplace and some ideas started flying around my head. I immediately bought it and began to research how I could transform this into a pond that would fit in our garden, that would suit the style of our garden, that would attract wildlife but would also be safe for the children. It was a project of love. I enjoyed every moment of planning and putting it all together, and now I just cannot get enough of sitting out in my garden looking at my pretty new pond. So I thought I would jot down how I went about creating a pond out of a planter.

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Earth Day: Making Your Garden More Eco-Friendly

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‘Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?’ Anyone with green fingers wants to answer “great, thanks!” There is no better feeling than cultivating a piece of land and transforming it into a haven. Whether it’s for you, the kids or the neighbours, the garden is a perfect place to relax and unwind. Plus, it’s not hard on the eyes either.

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