a smiling family of 4

Dentistry in Greenbelt – Tips for Finding the Best Dentist Located in Greenbelt

*Collaborative Post

By now, we should all know that our oral health is just as important as the rest of our physical health and well-being. In fact, poor oral health can lead to all sorts of serious conditions such as infection, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even oral cancer. Read more here. For this reason, you want to find a dentist who cares about more than just your teeth. Be sure to find a one who is interested in treating your oral health, as well as looking into your overall physical health. Now, we know that finding a dentist isn’t always at the top of your priority list. However, this choice can make a huge difference in your experience. Therefore, it’s important to find a dentist who isn’t only friendly and approachable, you also want to find someone who helps you feel comfortable during your visits.

Continue reading “Dentistry in Greenbelt – Tips for Finding the Best Dentist Located in Greenbelt”
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The Perfect Bedtime Routine for Your Teething Baby

As you know, a teething baby is hard work at bedtime. The pain tends to wake them more often, their ears can ache when laid down, nappy rash can make turning over uncomfortable and you will certainly know about it if a tooth decides to cut in the early hours! It’s tough. I am experiencing it all over again and it is just as bad the second time around. However, what I can help with is getting them off to sleep to start with. I’m not saying it’s going to work for all babies, I’m not saying it’s going to happen each and every night but what it should do is help both of you to relax in the run-up to bedtime, it should help your baby to cope better with that teething pain and it should hopefully help to keep your routine and settle them more easily.

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DCby1 campaign, why getting your baby to a dentist is vital

DCby1 Campaign- Why Getting Your Baby to the Dentist is Vital

The DCby1 (dental check by one) Campaign was launched by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry in September to encourage all babies to be taken to the dentist for their first dental check by the age of one. This is a campaign that I feel very strongly towards due to the research I uncovered whilst writing my book Your Teething Baby: from one parent to another. I was shocked to read from the NHS that one of the main causes for a child to be admitted to hospital is down to tooth decay and that in a survey of five-year-olds carried out in 2012 it was found that more than one in four had some degree of tooth decay. These facts are shocking and one of the main reasons I believe they are happening is down to a lack of knowledge of the teeth and how to care for them.

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Teething is NOT a Myth!

Believe it or not, there are a certain amount of health practitioners out there who have claimed that teething pain does not exist. That teething is, in fact, a myth. Whilst researching for my book I came across articles that claimed every symptom parents’ have ever reported, over hundreds of years, are not linked to teething, that children get approximately 20 viral infections in their first couple of years and coincidentally they get 20 teeth, so we are mistaking teething for colds and that most of the signs are in fact made up in our own minds. According to some dentists, teething pain doesn’t even exist… tell that to the next adult who complains about their wisdom teeth.

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My Top Tips For Overcoming Teeth Brushing Issues

Teeth brushing issues are very common and it is one area I am often asked about. Keeping up good oral care when the child is going through a developmental leap, is in the throes of the terrible twos or is in teething pain can be tough so I thought I would share some of the information that I have provided in my book to give some reassuring advice and, hopefully, some useful tips.

It’s not always straightforward when it comes to brushing your child’s teeth. When they are teething it can be too painful to do. Other times they may just not want it done, they may want to do it themselves or they may develop a fear of the activity. Whatever the issue there are always things you can try to resolve them:

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Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them

Teething was the bane of my life. Jake started to show teething signs at 6 weeks of age and started to cut them at 5 months. People may tell you they are too young but this isn’t true, did you know that a baby can be born with teeth?! His earliest teething symptoms were the typical dribbling and chewing but as each new tooth rumbled we began to identify others, some of which were a little bizarre. I talk about 22 teething symptoms in my book but for this article, I have picked just a selection which should help you to identify and learn how to deal with the ones you may well be seeing in your baby.

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‘Your Teething Baby’ sneak peek

I wanted to give you a little sneak peek of my book Your Teething Baby, from one parent to another, to help you to understand what it covers and how it can benefit you. Here are some of the sections and snippets for you to enjoy.


(A snippet of the intro)

Why Teething?
From the moment that you discover you are pregnant you find yourself inundated with information. This ranges from how long you may get morning sickness for, to what to expect at your scan, what products you should be buying and reading many pregnancy books; as well as taking in every bit of advice you possibly can from those who have been there before. We attend antenatal classes to prepare for the birth and once baby is here there is support from midwives and health visitors. You find out all about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, nappy changes, weight gains or weight losses and postnatal depression; all of which is vital information when becoming a parent – especially if it’s your first time. I, however, feel that one area is overlooked and for some families it is a very big milestone which can take over both yours and your baby’s life………… Teething.

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