Making any switch from something which you may have always deemed as convenient to something completely new may seem very daunting and confusing. Of course it does, we are all so used to our lifestyles being made “simple” by large companies and we are programmed to throw things away when they are dirty because it has been drummed into us that germs are bad. So, when we bring in a reusable product, something that can be washed and used over and over again, an item that is as simple as a flannel and water, we for some reason overthink it.
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Our Cloth Nappy Update And Why It Was A Great Change!
This post is well overdue but what with sleep deprivation, the baby still wanting to boob far too much and he is still sleeping in with us plus with the start of school for Jake, things have had to be put on hold for a while. Anyway, here is my cloth nappy update…
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Your Cloth Nappy Questions Answered
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Changing to cloth nappies has been a really positive move for us as a family. Not only are we reducing our waste and helping the environment, we are also saving money and in a year this could even amount to as much as £500! Children cost enough money as it is and I would rather spend those vital pennies on a day out than on something that will end up in a landfill.
Since writing about the change, I have been asked quite a few questions about how they work, what they are like, how washing impacts on my week and so on, so I thought the best way to help would be to answer all of these in one place.
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How We’ve Been Making Positive Eco-friendly Changes
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A little while ago I wrote about 5 changes I was planning on making to be more eco-friendly; do away with clingfilm, buy a compost bin, grow our own, switch to reusable nappies and reusable sanitary towels. At the time I had the idea but I must admit that what with being a parent of two now, being tired most of the time and being quite stuck in my ways, I felt a little hesitant and apprehensive. It’s daft how we all get so
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