Reflux. It’s a word I’d heard of previously, just as I had done with Colic but when your first child has no issues with these things there isn’t any need to look into it further or discover what it actually means to have a baby with either or even both of these conditions. Well, my wake up call has come– quite literally! My newest addition has been suffering for weeks now and no matter what we try there doesn’t seem to be much let up…
Continue reading “What’s it Like to have a Baby with Reflux?”Tag: baby

How Your Household Budget Changes When You Have a Baby
*Collaborative Post
There is no doubt about it that having a baby impacts so many different areas of your life drastically. One of the things which ends up being affected is your household budget, as you will have to spend on items which you had never really considered in the past. Other areas of current spending will need to be increased, while you may also find that there are some expenditures which can be trimmed. If you have yet to create a household budget at all, now is the time to start thinking about this. So, here are just a few of the ways that things will change financially when you have a baby.
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7 Reasons Why Colic Sucks!
My second child has colic, something that we never really had to deal with the first time and I can honestly say that it sucks! I never fully understood the ‘my baby doesn’t sleep’ thing. Yes, child number one would feed a lot which would have me up every couple of hours at night but we were very lucky that we didn’t experience the screaming we are seeing now. It’s suddenly like being a first-time Mum all over again, new things to learn and new conditions to pull my hair out over!
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Creating The Perfect Room For Baby Without Spending A Fortune
*Collaborative Post
All new mums want to have a lovely space that they can bring Baby back home to, once they have been born. However, the cost of creating such a space can be a bit of a strain, especially with a year of maternity leave wages on the horizon. That is why it can be useful to know some clever tactics for creating the perfect room for your baby that won’t clear out your bank account. Here’s how to create your baby room on a budget…
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Our NICU Journey- Week Three (part two)
Our NICU journey continues:
That night in NICU…
I was told about prem baby’s and their little noises but wow, I wasn’t prepared for quite so many groans, grunts, snuffles and squeaks! I wasn’t sure if I was going to get any sleep but you settle after a 2am feed and you go through until 4:30am then wake again at 6:30am. You show me that you can breastfeed on demand and wake for it ok. Your temperature seemed ok throughout the night– I checked the back of your neck, your chest and your back just to be on the safe side… I may have also checked your breathing a little too much!! I can see how I am going to be once you are home.
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Our NICU Journey- Week Three (part one)
Another week, more hospital NICU visits to come and I begin to notice the toll it’s having on all of us. The tiredness, the worry, the stress, the juggling of normal life with hospital life. You can only fully understand all of this if you have been in the same position, it’s a whole other world. Having Jake around is a lovely distraction from the seriousness of it all but trying to balance his needs with yours is a skill I am only just about managing.
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Our NICU Journey- Week Two
One week has passed in NICU and so much happened that it was all a whirlwind. We had the elation of your arrival, the relief of you doing so well but also the sadness of leaving you behind as we went home each day without you. I’m not sure what to expect this week but I have a funny feeling it’s going to be even more emotional as time goes on.
Today (Tuesday) you would have been 33 weeks if you had still been inside me. You are still teeny but still doing so well. After one week you have come out of your incubator and today I can’t find you! I walk into intensive care and there is a space where your cot is. A nurse spots me looking a little bewildered and she tells me that you have been moved to your very own room! How have you come so far in such little time? You are now in one of the cubicles as the four cot room– which should be the next step– is completely full. You are still on monitors to check your heart rate, pulse, and respiration but you are proving to us that you are such a little fighter. You are also off the caffeine which was being used to regulate your breathing. You will have to be closely monitored to ensure this remains the same but I am so happy that it’s another step in the right direction.
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