As New Year’s approaches, I am pretty sure we have all turned our thoughts to those New Year’s Resolutions that we all feel we need to make. Those ones where we promise we will get fitter, have more ‘me time’, eat more healthily etc but we all know that most of these won’t last longer than February at best. And why is that? Well, because we set ourselves these high targets, we look to reach for the stars and want to see the results immediately and when that doesn’t happen, the majority of us give up.
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How to beat the January blues
*Collaborative Post
The first month of the year. The whirlwind fun and festivities of Christmas are over, the decorations have been taken down and the headache that was lingering from New Year’s Eve has just about gone away. New year, new you, and all that – but the thing is: there isn’t much to do.
January is typically a down month with everyone suffering a food, drink and financial hangover from the Christmas period. That can mean a lot of nothing going on which can make for a painstaking 31 days, which is why the “January Blues” is a term that’s thrown around quite a lot.
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Five Enviable Places to Ring in New Year’s Eve
*Collaborative Post
I always find the week around Christmas to be a bit confusing and disorientating. It isn’t because of the hallucinations you get from eating so much food for so many days in a row, but because you sort of lose the sense of what day of the week it is.
I often find that everything begins to sort itself out though when you see New Year’s Eve on the calendar. It does more to reset your body clock/calendar (if it is such a thing) than New Year’s Day does.
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Our New Year Trip To Exmoor
We decided to escape the parties and fireworks this New Year mainly due to our elderly dog who is no longer able to cope with the noises, which gave us the perfect opportunity to retreat to the Exmoor countryside with the family and enjoy some quality time before the rat race of work and routine had to begin again.
After hunting around on the internet I was over the moon when hubby found a little cottage in an idyllic setting which allowed dogs (and because my sister forgot to find somebody to look after her pet, we also took a hamster!) After a three-hour drive I was very happy to see this as we pulled up.
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