As you all know, I have become far more eco-conscious over the last two years and as I continue to research more areas it has become very apparent that there are an awful lot of things that we all do every single day that has an impact on our planet. Whether that’s waste, plastic pollution, CO2 emissions, chemicals from products, animal testing… It seems never-ending. I have so far made many a swap, a lifestyle change and even more recently a diet change (I went vegetarian in January) but there is one environmental issue that is hanging over me like a big black cloud and it feels that way because I know it is something I could never stop doing and that’s flying.
Continue reading “My Tips For Coping With Flying Guilt In An Eco-Conscious World”Tag: eco-living

How Well Does The Samsung Eco-Bubble Perform?
When we were looking into buying a new washing machine, the Samsung eco-bubble immediately came to my mind. I’d heard good things about it and the fact that it also had the eco function, meant we would also be saving water. However, on the flip side of this, I was concerned that less water, especially in a hard water area would bring problems for our clothing but as most of the reviews we read were positive we decided that the pros outweighed the cons and made our purchase. So how well does the Samsung eco-bubble perform?…
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Where Is The Love? For Our Planet and For Others…?
“People killing, people dying, children hurting, you hear them crying, can you practice what you preach? Would you turn the other cheek?… Where is the love?…”
Just recently as I have sat and heard the news of all that people are trying to do to raise awareness of climate change, as I have scrolled through Instagram seeing those that I follow make eco-swap after eco-swap and as I have read yet another passionate talk from Greta Thunberg, my heart has been filled with pride. Proud that at long last, people are standing up for our planet, that people are trying no matter how small a change it is and that the next generation are going to be the changers for this world but there’s a but… Urgh, I know! Where there is positivity, negativity seems to somehow follow.
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Review | Eco-Friendly Coconut Bowls and Spoons
*Gifted Items
As you’ll all probably know by now, my eco journey is ever-growing and there is rarely a week that goes by where I’m not trying out something new or researching products and looking for new ways to reduce my waste, to help the environment and to be more sustainable. It’s become a passion as well as a hobby! And as a blogger I am very lucky to be in a position to be able to hear about the latest products and to have the opportunity to try them out and to then, of course, let you lovely lot know about them. So, when Global 1st asked me to review their coconut bowls and spoons I jumped at the chance.
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Easy Eco Swaps For Anybody Who Is Just Starting Out
*Affiliate Links
The world of eco-friendly products is growing which is, of course, an amazing thing but for those who are just delving into it all it can be quite overwhelming. I mean where do you start?! I am often asked, what is best to use? What products do I recommend? What is easy to begin with? And even though a lot of these things can come down to your own personal choice and your lifestyle, I think there are really easy eco swaps for those who are just starting out and finding their feet with where to go with being more eco-friendly.
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Why We Need To Be Wary Of Certain ‘Eco’ Products
So, eco has caught on and yep, some people are trying to make it the new ‘in’ thing. I mean you only have to glance at Instagram now and somebody is claiming to be #livingsustainably or #zerowastelife in their bio– trendy hashtag galore! The truth of the matter is that most of us will never ever be fully living sustainably and you will only be living zero waste if you live out in the woods off the fat of the land. It just isn’t possible in this modern world. Everything we use gives off energy, emissions, produces waste etc. so there is no way I will ever be claiming that I anything but trying my best. Which leads me onto the next new thing…
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The Cheek Of Pampers: Why I’m Calling Them Out On Their #Cheektest
Right, so this week has been interesting to say the least! If you have been following me on social media you will by now be all too aware of the new Pampers influencer campaign designed to prove that their nappies are in fact the driest out there. Seems like the normal type of advert for single-use nappies right? Always trying to prove their nappies will keep a baby’s bum the driest. Yep, except that in this instance they decided to take their marketing steps too far by asking parents/influencers/bloggers to take 2 perfectly good nappies and soak them with water to really prove their point. Now, if that had been 1 nappy on a TV ad I doubt any of us would have batted an eyelid. I mean we’ve seen that most days on our screens for over 30 years now haven’t we? However, when they are asking 100’s of people to pour 200 ml of water on each of them to test which is drier on their cheeks all for a huge Instagram campaign, well that’s a different story…
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