eco product written in a green bubble held up by a wooden peg

9 Things We Need To Be Focussing On If We Suspect A Company Of Greenwashing

Greenwashing, this is my biggest bugbear right now. I have written about this before here but if you aren’t familiar with the term here is the definition:

What Is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is when a company or organization spends more time and money on marketing themselves as environmentally friendly than on minimizing their environmental impact. It is a deceitful advertising gimmick intended to mislead consumers who prefer to buy goods and services from environmentally conscious brands

Continue reading “9 Things We Need To Be Focussing On If We Suspect A Company Of Greenwashing”
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14 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Plastic Waste

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11 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly As A New Parent

When I became a parent the first time around (almost 7 years ago now!) the products I was told about were all about convenience. Nobody ever suggested alternative methods or brands, it was disposable this, throw away that, make your life easy and buy to chuck out; who wants to do extra washing or cleaning? Who wants to do more when you are tired? Make things simpler, choose convenience. But when I became a parent the second time around, I realised that there were other ways and ways that are far better for our environment and also better for our pockets too! (Why does nobody mention this part?!) So, here are 11 ways to be more eco-friendly as a new parent…

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a blue flower

Simple Strategies For Greener Living

*Collaborative Post

More and more of us are keen to go green and do our bit to protect the planet. Itā€™s understandable to think that small changes wonā€™t make a difference, but if everyone adjusted their lifestyle, the impact would be incredible. If youā€™re looking for simple, achievable ways to embrace greener living, here are some strategies to try today. 

Continue reading “Simple Strategies For Greener Living”
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TV Shows and Films That Teach Your Children About Environmental Issues
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reusable tea bag in a cup, loose tea scattered around, the PG tips box, my hand and the bottle of milk

Review | Reusable Tea Bags

Towards the end of last year, I decided that I no longer wanted to be purchasing tea bags that were bleached and made from plastic so I delved deep into my pockets and splashed out on several cloth reusable tea bags costing a whopping 55p each! Yeah, who says being eco has to be expensive eh? Not me! I managed to find my favourite brand (good old PG tips) in a loose version and, according to my Instagram post, I had my first taste of tea in a reusable bag on 19th December. So, what did I think? Am I still using them? And more importantly, do I recommend them? Here’s my review…

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Our Eco-Friendly Swaps to Date
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Why Absolutely Anybody Can Be Eco
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the on the go eco products laying on the grass under a tree

The Perfect Reusable On-The-Go Products from Net Zero Company


I love finding new ways of reducing our plastic waste, living more sustainably and producing less waste. I have the baby/toddler bits sussed now, I have managed to significantly reduce plastic bottles in the bathroom and our kitchen area has many eco-products used in it now so my next steps are to work out where else in our lifestyles we can make positive changes. This year we are taking part in the 1000 hours outside scheme which encourages more activities outdoors and getting in touch with nature rather than being sat inside in front of a screen and this made me realise that we needed more on the go products to help us to be outside all day without the need of buying packaged food items or disposable items such as cutlery and cups so when I saw Net Zero Co’s On-The-Go Reusable Kit it was just the perfect solution.

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Cleaning Products That Make Being More Eco-Friendly Simple
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Zero Waste Week: 55 Reusables That Can Drastically Reduce Your Household Waste
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Eco-Friendly Items You Can Take On Holiday
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Review | Nurture Collective’s Box of Love

*Gifted Products

Nurture Collective is a gorgeous ethical online store run by a like-minded eco-conscious Mum, Miriam. Having previously worked in busy London, she went from being a high flying executive to Mum and suddenly found that her perspective on life and our planet had shifted.

“I suddenly felt complete, and yet along came with it a deep and burning desire to love to protect and nurture this incredible creation! It all started with Yasminā€™s baby products, wanting them to be chemical-free and then it quickly progressed to her baby clothing and I felt that my eyes had been opened to a realisation of all the processes our products and clothing goes through even before it ends up in our hands.”

Nurture Collective Website

Everything this shop stands for is important to me; natural, sustainable, ethical, recyclable, handmade, UK made… the list goes on, which is why I knew that working with them was the perfect fit for us both! And with Mother’s Day just around the corner what better time to review their gorgeous Box of Love.

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My Tips For Coping With Flying Guilt In An Eco-Conscious World

As you all know, I have become far more eco-conscious over the last two years and as I continue to research more areas it has become very apparent that there are an awful lot of things that we all do every single day that has an impact on our planet. Whether that’s waste, plastic pollution, CO2 emissions, chemicals from products, animal testing… It seems never-ending. I have so far made many a swap, a lifestyle change and even more recently a diet change (I went vegetarian in January) but there is one environmental issue that is hanging over me like a big black cloud and it feels that way because I know it is something I could never stop doing and that’s flying.

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