reduce your household waste

23 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Household Waste

Reducing our household waste has been an ongoing process for the last 2 years and even though it all comes with research and learning curves we are finally making a huge dent in how many bin liners leave our home for landfill. Our best ever was one bin bag in one week and that’s a family of 4 with one child still in nappies, a dog and a cat!! Yes, it is doable and no it doesn’t have to be hard and I want to share exactly how everybody could make changes within their own lives and lifestyles to work towards a more environmentally friendly future for all of us. Here are 23 simple ways to reduce your household waste…

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Review | Leaf and Root Luxury Eco-Friendly Cosmetics

*Gifted Products

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Why Absolutely Anybody Can Be Eco

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How Can You Make An Impact This Plastic Free July?

How Can You Make An Impact This Plastic Free July?

*Affiliate Links

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For First Steps Sustainable Toys Giveaway

*Collaborative Post

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