When it comes to making that leap from disposable nappies to cloth nappies, you won’t be surprised to hear that the ones who usually instigate this change are the Mums. You also won’t be surprised to hear that getting Dad on board with cloth nappies can be quite tricky. And this isn’t because men don’t care as much about the environment or about not having chemicals next to their baby’s skin, it is usually just simply because they tend to tackle things in a slightly different way. Men like facts and figures, they like to see the costs, they want to know that the change is going to benefit them and be worthwhile in the long term.
Continue reading “How To Get A Reluctant Dad On Board With Cloth Nappies”Tag: baby

A Year of Breastfeeding
We made it to a year of breastfeeding and I just want to celebrate that fact. I listed making it to a year as one of my 9 things I wanted to do differently with my second child in this post mostly because I loved breastfeeding Jake and was so upset when we had to give up due to him biting (and drawing blood!) I don’t know why else a year was in my mind, I guess it just felt like a big accomplishment especially with breastfeeding rates being so low in this country.
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How You Can Look After Your Baby By Looking After Yourself
*Collaborative Post
When you have a baby your world changes forever, no longer is your life all about you but instead, this little person comes first. As parents, we would go to the ends of the earth for our children, and their happiness and health are our number one priority. However, it doesn’t mean we should give up on ourselves. Quite the opposite, to best take care of our children it makes sense that we need to care for ourselves. With good mental and physical life, we can enjoy the journey of parenthood to our best ability and be ready to handle whatever comes our way. Here is how you can look after yourself:
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All in One Cloth Nappies- everything you need
You would have probably read in my last post that we are making the move over to cloth nappies. This is for quite a few reasons but the most important being the fact that they are eco-friendly and they will be saving us money in the long-run… up to £500 a year did you know?! We are starting with the all in one cloth nappies but I know there are other versions available and there is a lot for me to still find out but for now, I am going with what seems to be the easiest option.
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The First Six Months as a Preemie Parent
Six months have somehow passed since our little ‘dinks’ arrived prematurely into our world and I cannot believe it. At times it still feels as though it was only last week that I was back and forth to the hospital, having emotional breakdowns, longing for my baby to be able to come home, yet here we are months later, sitting at home with a very happy and healthy little boy who has come on leaps and bounds. Becoming a preemie parent has been an eye-opener and a very different journey to having a full-term baby and I know I am incredibly lucky that my boy is here safe and well…
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Ways to prepare for your baby’s arrival
*Collaborative Post
Preparing for your new arrival can feel incredibly daunting (and expensive!) – especially if it is your first baby. The main thing is to not panic or stress yourself out. To help you prepare for your baby’s arrival, it is worth getting everything in check over the course of 9 months to help ease the transition into ‘Mum mode’, giving you more time at the end of your pregnancy to put your feet up.
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Flying with a Baby Checklist
We are about to embark on our very first holiday abroad with a baby. We first took Jake aged 2 and even though he was still in nappies, he had far fewer needs. As long as he had toys, games and stickers he was a happy boy! So, this year he is 4 and the tablet is probably going to be played the entire time (if he has his way!) but William is just 5 months which has made me feel a little more anxious. But to combat this I have done my research and this is my flying with a baby checklist:
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