the e cloth range on the bathroom window sill next to a plant

Review | Eco Cleaning with E-Cloth

*Gifted Products

I really do like a clean house but I really detest having to use chemicals. I have become far more aware of the amount most people use every single day around their homes and this not only affects the environment but can also affect your health, your children’s and any pets you may own too. I’ve recently been making my own cleaning products in order to steer clear of all of these toxins but then e-cloth got in touch with me and told me they had cloths that enabled you to clean using only water!! Yes, just water. Well, I knew I had to find out if this could work for me and I just had to see the results for myself. I was kindly sent the general purpose cloth, glass and polishing cloth, water spray bottle, shower cleaning cloths, washing up pad and the pad and tablet cleaning kit from e-cloth to review.

Continue reading “Review | Eco Cleaning with E-Cloth”
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*Collaborative Post

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*This post contains affiliate links and ads

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