mental health awareness week- tips to achieve good mental well-being

Mental Health Awareness Week- Tips to help achieve good mental well-being

When you have suffered with your own mental health for a number of years you begin to learn what can trigger a bad mood, what can bring on anxiety, what can make you angry and the patterns that often emerge. I personally find that spending a long time alone can make me miserable and low, one bad event will outweigh several good ones and upsets from friends/family/husband can linger for far too long. By recognising slight changes occurring in my moods, I have started to acknowledge what can help or even prevent these issues from escalating. As I stated in my last post, counselling has been one the best ways of coping with my innermost thoughts and I can highly recommend finding somebody with expertise to speak to yourself. If not, do try and be open with your closest family and friends. Communication is definitely key in helping mental health problems.

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