Reflux. It’s a word I’d heard of previously, just as I had done with Colic but when your first child has no issues with these things there isn’t any need to look into it further or discover what it actually means to have a baby with either or even both of these conditions. Well, my wake up call has come– quite literally! My newest addition has been suffering for weeks now and no matter what we try there doesn’t seem to be much let up…
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What To Expect If Your Waters Break Early
At 30 weeks pregnant, the last thing I expected to happen was to have my waters breaking this early. The pregnancy has been a little up and down due to the presence of Group B Strep but as this was known about and I was monitoring myself for any changes I just assumed everything would be ok up until my due date.
I first felt something at around 7pm but as I hadn’t experienced my waters breaking during my first labour I just assumed that I’d had a little urine leakage… just an oops moment! However, ten minutes later and I felt the same thing.
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Why Pregnancy is a Whole New Ball Game The Second Time Around
Remember your first pregnancy? All those people telling you to take it easy? Never being able to lift anything bigger than a kettle without somebody jumping in? Being able to nap at any given moment and sleeping through the night? If only pregnancy was the same the second time around.
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Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them
Teething was the bane of my life. Jake started to show teething signs at 6 weeks of age and started to cut them at 5 months. People may tell you they are too young but this isn’t true, did you know that a baby can be born with teeth?! His earliest teething symptoms were the typical dribbling and chewing but as each new tooth rumbled we began to identify others, some of which were a little bizarre. I talk about 22 teething symptoms in my book but for this article, I have picked just a selection which should help you to identify and learn how to deal with the ones you may well be seeing in your baby.
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PMS:The Monthly Battle
PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome is a term we have all heard since puberty but do you really know how deep the effects can go? Most people joke about PMS making someone cranky just before their period and to be completely honest this is all I ever thought it meant too. How wrong I was…
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